Bob's Red Mill
$13.49 RRP $12.45 Members

Available: In Stock

Sorghum Flour
Gluten Free

Light in texture and with a mild, nutty flavour, this flour is stone ground from 100% whole grain sorghum. Also known as jowar flour, it is a great addition to your gluten free pantry.

Only 10 Available

The Benefits. 

  • Protects cells from damage and is important for perception, memory and mood (manganese and iron)
  • Aids energy creation and maintains healthy bones, teeth and muscles (phosphorus and magnesium)
  • Contributes to mental and blood health and supports nervous system function (vitamin B3, B5 and B6)
  • Promotes healthy digestion and gut health (fibre)

What Goes In.

100% whole grain sorghum.

What’s Kept Out.

Herbicides, fillers and preservatives.

Did You Know.

Most commercial flour crops are sprayed with glyphosate which can make its way into the flours and food products, increasing our risk of adverse health effects. Furthermore, commercial flours are heated, destroying beneficial nutrients like vitamin E, and bleached to create a pristine white flour. We’d rather the nutrients, please!



Naturally grown and stone-milled in Oregon, USA.

Hot Tip. 

Increase your daily intake of whole grains the easy way: add 15% to 20% sorghum flour to your flour mixes to make delicious breads, cakes and cookies.

Nutritional Information.

Bob's Red Mill

Although it has grown significantly since its humble beginnings in 1978, Bob’s Red Mill (founded by Bob Moore and his wife Charlee) still holds very true to its values of people over profit, food integrity and building close relationships with farmers and suppliers. Highlighting their commitment to treating their employees with generosity and respect, Bob’s Red Mill is 100% employee owned. Focused on bringing gluten free baking essentials and nutritious whole grains to people all over the world, this thriving business is centred around the simple food-making process of producing organic, verified non-GMO and certified fair trade products for our kitchens and pantries.