$95.00 RRP $72.00 Members

Available: In Stock

Magnesium L-Threonate
Liposomal | Cognitive Function
30 Pouches

Developed by scientists at MIT, this magnesium has been shown to increase brain magnesium levels much higher, helping support brain function and a healthy memory. It utilises advanced liposomal delivery for fast and efficient absorption.

The benefits.

  • One of the most bio-available and readily absorbed forms of magnesium
  • May improve cognitive function due to the elevation of magnesium levels in the brain
  • Protects bone structure and joint health, reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • May assist in reducing the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression
  • May increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that stimulates the formation of new brain cells

What goes in.

Magnesium (from 1,300mg of Magtein® Magnesium L-Threonate), Phosphatidylcholine, Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol)

Other ingredients: glycerin, purified water, organic almond butter, organic coconut nectar, organic almond oil, organic vanilla extract, konjac root, celtic sea salt, organic citrus extract.

    What's kept out.

    Glucose, sugar, and artificial sweeteners. 

    Did you know?

    Liposomal delivery is an advanced technology that allows nutrients to reach your body effectively without being broken down by the digestive system. Cymbiotika encapsulates the supplement with liposomes, which are the fatty membranes that line each cell in our bodies. So you can think of liposomes as little bubbles that protect the nutrients until they reach your intestines, ensuring that your body absorbs them properly.  


    Carefully made in USA.

    Hot tip.

    Squeeze the contents of the pouch into your mouth, or stir it into your favourite beverage. Best to enjoy between meals. 

    Nutrition Information.


      Cymbiotika believes health is about having the energy to chase your passions and taking care of yourself so you can better care for your loved ones. This path isn’t always straightforward. That's why Cymbiotika is here–to offer guidance and provide truly life-changing products that will support your unique journey to health and vitality. Their mission is to empower people to take ownership of their health and live with intention, one healthy habit at a time. Their advisory board of world-class doctors is instrumental to the mission. Combining their background in holistic health and nutrition with their expertise in neuro-biochemistry, regenerative medicine, and endodontics, Cymbiotika is committed to always putting science first. They also travel all over the world, creating direct relationships with farmers and suppliers who share the values of sustainability, transparency, and excellence because they want to ensure your body receives everything it needs for optimal health.
